Some of the many favourites of Veronique

Pendant “Dos vert” Bent P21187
Pendant “Dos vert” Sitting P20214

A. “Treppe” P8651
B.Weather/Colours” P21482
C.”Inri” Cross P21693
D. “Dingo” P0048

A. “Charming Monsters” R21547
B. “Charming Monsters” R21547
C. “Charming Monsters” R2847
D. “Treppe” R20172
E. “Roupie” Topaz 4.42cts R21619
F. “Purple Sapphire” 2.98cts S20674
H. “Sapphires” 1.41cts & Diamonds 0.83cts S9119
I. “Dentelliere” R9699
G. “Yellow Diamond” 0.68cts S20048
L. “Forever” R0259
K. “Anneau” A21727
M. “Alliance” R004

A. “Crantees” E8134
B. “Charming Monsters” E20532
C. “Cardinales” E21565
D. “Dentelees” E20765
E. “Eucalyptus Cufflinks” BM21631
F. “Carrés” E20721

“Violet of India” Necklace N20671
“Saturne” Earrings G21511

A. “Flammeches à Tahiti” Tahitian Pearls Huahine, Tahiti, South Pacific N20166
B. Phoenician cylinder seal N8602
C. “Flammeches archeologiques” Phoenician glass beads Circa 1st BC 1st Ad

A. “Dentelliere” B21663
B. “Treppe” B20748
C. “Platinum/Gold Pink Sapphire”
D. “Arcolbollo” Sapphires 2.72cts B20102
E. “Arc en Ciel” B202200
F. “Mandibules Solaires” B21448
G. “Wave” B21331

A. “Jonc Ficele” B21251
B. “Les Clous” B20790
C. “Forever” B21252
D. “Tiron”
E. “Paros” Keychain of Marble of Paros Island found on the beach
F. “Blacky” Hematite stone F21736